Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
Welcome to MAKATI RENT, an advertising and marketing tool for condo and houses for rent in Makati City area and its neighborhood.
The apartments, pictures and information displayed
We put utmost attention in reporting the correct prices and details for the apartments for rent. However, please be aware that from the moment the information is published, the owner of the apartment itself has the right to change the furniture included, the asked rental price, or pull the unit out of the rental market.
Please always confirm prices and inclusions during your actual visit to the apartment, together with the broker or the owner representative, or the owner himself, before to place an offer to rent and/or before to enter into a contract of lease.
Browsing and using the website
You are free to visit any part of this website, to bookmark eventual interesting pages, to forward URLs to friends or other people who you think may get a benefit from visiting Makati Rent.
Reproducing, republishing, copy pasting any screenshot, pictures and apartments information, or any other part of the website, shall be done only after a specific consent is given and approved
Personal details
By inquiring via email, phone text/call, or filling the online forms, you shall be aware that we will pass the information to one or more agents, brokers or salespersons who we think may help you with the need you indicated; which is quite the purpose of the website itself.
Limited Liability
Makati Rent website is an advertising and marketing platform, run and operated by FB INTL Solutions PTE LTD.
For any and all rental and purchases transactions related to apartments, houses and condo units advertised in our website, please be aware that you will be put in contact and will be dealing with a different entity; either an organization, a real-estate broker, an agent, an owner or representative of an owner.
Please, before to finalize any contract to lease or sell, ask the person you are dealing with, to provide you the details of what organization they legally represent or which role they represent in the transaction (broker / agent / salesperson / owner /representative of the owner).
In addition, before to finalize any transaction, we strongly encourage you to view and get a copy of a government ID of the persons mentioned in the contract of lease and contract to sell you are entering into.